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Always ready to

Mathify your world

Every step of your educational journey we are here to help make learning as easy as possible for everyone.

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about us

At Mathify, we believe learning should be accessible, engaging, and rewarding for everyone! We're your one-stop shop for interactive learning across 7 dynamic subjects: Mathematics, Science, History, Geography, Languages (including Afrikaans!), Literature, and Social Studies.

Traditional learning methods can feel overwhelming. That's why Mathify uses AI-powered technology to make learning simple, engaging, and personalized. From conquering complex equations to exploring ancient civilizations, Mathify transforms every subject into an interactive adventure.

Ready to unlock your academic potential? Download Mathify today and see why learning can be exciting!

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Pricing made easy

Below you can find all the pricing options. We belive that paying extreme amounts for any kind of service should not be allowed so we guarantee that we are the lowest in the market for what this app offers.

Free version

Limited access

3 Subjects to use

24/7 Support


1 mONTH (with 3 day trial)


Unlimited Requests

24/7 Support



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Mathify's mission is to ignite a passion for learning across a vast array of subjects, not just math! We believe that education should be accessible, personalized, and most importantly, exciting.

We leverage the power of AI to tailor learning experiences to each student's unique needs and learning style. This ensures everyone receives the support and guidance they need to conquer challenges and build a strong foundation in every subject we offer.

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Our Objective

Spark joy and unlock potential in every learner.

We achieve this by:

  • Revolutionizing Math Education: We replace traditional methods with an engaging, AI-powered platform that simplifies complex concepts.
  • Building Strong Foundations: Our personalized learning approach ensures a deep understanding of fundamental principles for all ages.
  • Empowering Learners: We transform math anxiety into confidence and proficiency.
  • Unlocking Potential: Mathify equips students to apply math in the real world and achieve academic success.

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We want to hear from you

Just someone that would like to provide feedback ? Or a Teacher or School looking in joining our Team option Please complete the below Form and we will get back to you as soon as we can.


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